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Ok let's take a look at the main stats, how they work and what caps you need to reach.


  • Hit


This is the first stat you should allways reach the hardcap for, no point in attacking if you miss a lot of shots.

Hardcap for hit is 8% and any point above it is useless! For your hunter I would say between 7,5%/8% is good, keep in mind though that your pet will lack 1% hit if you go for even 7.99% hit. (Pet will allways go per percent and scales down so 7.99% becomes 7%)


  • Armor penetration


Posibly the most tricky stat to explain for hunter and maybe one of the most difficult stat in game to grasp fully. For this reason i will talk more about the stat in a seperatly dedicated page. 

hardcap for armor penetration is 100% (1400 arp rating) This is a vital MM stat and should be focused on heavily, i recommend gemming for arp when you can reach around 600 arp rating total with gear&gems. 


  • Agility


The hunter is an agility based class, this means agility is allways good for us hunters. Agility has no cap, get as much as you can after you have reached the arp cap. Agility is a hunters source for attack power but also crit and armor. Never gem for crit allways use agility. 


  • Crit rating 


Crit all day long, more yellow numbers please! A hunter really builds up crit nicely, the higher the stat the more chance you have to land a critical hit on your target. a 'crit' will do 100% extra damage on shot, the crit damage can be increased by talents as well. So if a normal hit would do 10.000 dmg your crit will do at least 20.000 dmg, you get the point why you want this rating up. Like i said before, do not gem critical strike rating though!


  • Haste rating


Haste influences the speed of your shots, more haste more shots. Allthough it's a very nice stat to have you should never prioritize it, nice to have not need to have stat. 


  • Intellect 


Last but not least, intellect. This stat will increase your base mana pool and can be found on all hunter gear, combined with the carefull aim talent intellect will also convert into 1 attack power per 1 intellect. this is why i prefer proper mail hunter gear over some leather items that lack intellect, more intellect=more attack power=more mana=more sustainable dps.



All other stats are not worth getting, stats you need will be on your hunter gear. I do want to mention a  stat to never ever get because believe it or not, there are people thinking this stat can benefit the hunter. 

Spellpower... just never..NEVER get ANY spellpower!!! NO it does NOT make your arcane better... ugh

(all your abilities are calculated with/from your attack power) 



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