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Thanks for visiting my Hunter website/guide, dedicated to the hunterclass, specifically in the Wrath of the lich king expansion of World of Warcraft. My experience with this class started from when the game was first released all through the first expansions up to wotlk. I have played on later expansions but i considder this to briefly to even mention. You can find me in game on WoW-Mania on my hunter Aristaeus. I also have 2 other  hunters named Illuvutea&Nightingale and several other characters, Most are named Aristo(...) I have been playing on this server a while now and i really like the community and overall experience, great support from gm's and well scripted server. 


My main hunter Aristaeus has been through some overhauls but now has endgame gear. Being guildmaster (but most of all just part of the team) of the end-game raiding Guild Sentinels of Light (SoL) I have been getting more and more questions about hunters.. "what spec is best?"  "what should i gem"  etc. All the basic questions but also some advanced ones. Often times i can not really find a suitably website to link people to because it's either outdated info or on a different private server and thus not accurate. Another reason i decided to make this website/guide is because i noticed more and more hunters doing well on dps charts but not using the full potential of the hunter during a raid. Last but not least, ofcourse i do this out of love for the hunter class and sharing knowledge. 


Enjoy! I hope it will help you out or at least acts as an entertaining read.

Feel free to comment on anything in the comment page or approach me in game on WoW-Mania and on discord Aristo#2856





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